Key words
- The students have a deeper understanding in the relation between nutrients - vegetation, nutrients - condition of the soil;
- The students know the importance of artificial and organic fertilizers;
- To teach knowledge in different kinds of pesticides and methods;
- One will go further into the causes of pests and diseases and their syndromes.
Prerequisites No basic knowledge required.
Topics The function of nutrients
The condition of the soil
Artificial and organic fertilisers
Principles of pest control
Introduction to pesticides and different kinds of methods
Pest and plant protection
Teaching Methods Lectures
Materials used Teacher's course
Textbook of pesticides
Scientific & technical literature
Study guidance The teacher is prepared to answer all your questions, even between lessons.
Assessment Written examination (partim "bodemkunde" semestrial February)
Scoring system:
"Bodemkunde": 1/2
"Bemestingsleer en fytofarmacie": 1/2
Study costs Course "bemestingsleer en fytofarmacie": ± € 10.00
"Partim Bodemkunde": ± € 20,00
Lecturer(s) Dirk BAELE