Lectured in 4de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie landbouw- en voedingsindustrieën, keuze toegepaste cel- en gentechnologie
4de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie landbouw, keuze tropische plantaardige productie
4de jar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie landbouw, keuze toegepaste cel- en gentechnologie
4de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie landbouw, keuze dierlijke- en plantaardige productie
4de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie tuinbouw, keuze tuinbouwproductie
4de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie tuinbouw, keuze tropische plantaardige productie
4de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie tuinbouw, keuze toegepaste cel- en gentechnologie
4de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie landbouw- en voedingsindustrieën, keuze voedingsmiddelentechnologie
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 12.5
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 90
Studypoints [E] 3
Lecturer Dirk FREMAUT
Reference BILBIL04K00906
Key words

On the basic of a scientific physiological knowledge of poultry in the diverse production stage (rearing chickens, laying hens, broilers, breeders) the student must be able to formulate a ration. This ration must be the most economical but must also be environmental friendly and must taken into account the demand of the consuming people about the quality of the meat or the eggs.

Zootechnics Year 3

The course is composing by three major parts: the nutrition of broilers, the nutrition of laying hens and the nutrition of breeders. The physiological aspects, the evaluation systems and the most used feedstuffs in poultry nutrition will be a part of the course. Also the theoretic requirements for protein, energy, minerals, vitamins and water for broilers, laying hens and will be discussed in relation to the performance and the environmental aspects. In a small part of the course Poultry nutrition we will pay attention to the nutrition of turkey and rabbits. In the exercises we will formulate rations for broilers, laying hens and breeders by linear programming (Bestmix). Also lectures and a visit to a mill company is taken up in the exercises.

Teaching Methods
- lectures - seminars - exercises - individual reports

Materials used
- teacher's course

Study guidance
The student can always make an appointment.

- Scoring system:
oral examination

Study costs
± 18 Euro

