Key words Microbiology
A basic approach to the world of micro-organisms. It concerns the knowledge and understanding of morphology, physiology and taxonomy of bacteria, yeasts, fungi and viruses, including the accurate use of the main microbiological techniques.
Basic knowledge of biology and chemistry.
Theory :
- The bacteria : cytology, physiology, taxonomy, ecology...
- The fungi : cytology, physiology, reproduction, taxonomy, ecology...
- The viruses : structure, taxonomy, ecology.
- Nutrition, microbial growth and growth kinetics.
- Physical, chemical and biological control measures.
- Immunology and pathogenicity.
- Applied microbiology : introduction to soil microbiology. Interrelations microbiota- soil, plant and animal.
Exercises :
- Basics of practical microbiology : microscopy, transferring and cultivation of micro-organisms, pour plate technique, MPN, membrane filtration, enrichment...
- Qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis of water, air, soil, compost and biofertilizers.
- Strategics for the identification of bacteria, fungi, yeasts.
Teaching Methods
- lectures - demonstrations - case studies - exercises - individual reports
- home study
Materials used
- teacher's course - background information
- scientific & technical literature
Study guidance The student can always make an appointment.
- Scoring system :
written tests - others : combination of written and oral examination
Study costs ± 12,5 Euro
Christiaan VLERICK