Key words
After the students have successfully followed the course they must have:
* A basic knowledge about plant and animal cells and tissues, the anatomy of leaves, stems and roots and the structure and the development of flowers, fruits and seeds.
* Insight in plant and animal systematics
* A clear insight in the development and evolution theory of animals
* The skills to use laboratories equipment in relation to plant and animal research
A basic knowledge of biochemistry and plant and animal structures
The course plant science: cytology, plant tissues, stem-, leave and root structures, the anatomy and physiology of the plant reproduction system and the development of fruit and seeds.
The course animal science: biological evolution and revolution, viruses and bacteria, animal cells, tissues and organs, classification and organisation of the animal and the characteristics of the several phyla
Teaching Methods
- lectures - exercises - others
Materials used
- teacher's course
- school library materials
Study guidance The student can always make an appointment
- Scoring system :
written tests
oral examination
Study costs ± 130 Euro
Lecturer(s) Geert Haesaert