Lectured in 2de jr Industriële wetenschappen-landbouw en biotechnologie
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 12.5
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 110
Studypoints [E] 4
Lecturer Geert BAERT
Reference BKIWLB02A12603
Key words
Soil science, Mineralogy

To gain an insight into the genesis, the mineralogical composition and physical characteristics of soils as growing medium for plants.

First year industrial engineer

The first chapter treats de structure and chemical composition of the earth crust. In the second chapter, the mineralogical composition of the earth crust (and soil) is discussed, with emphasis on silicate minerals (clay minerals). The third chapter treats the parent materials (rocks) and soil forming processes. An adequate knowledge of natural rocks and their minerals is essential for agronomists. The distribution of the rocks in Belgium is discussed in the chapter on the geology of Belgium. The nature of rocks will greatly determine the soil type and soil characteristics (chapter five). Major attention is given on the physical characteristics of soils (soil texture and structure, soil water and air, bulk density, …). The genesis of soils, the soil profile and the basic principles of soil classification in Belgium are also discussed (last chapter).

Teaching Methods
Lectures combined with homestudy and exersises. Excursion on relation soil - parent material in Belgium

Materials used
Lecture notes 'Bodemkunde' (G. Baert), in dutch

Study guidance
Books and software available at the Laboratory

- Scoring system:
written examination and exersises

Study costs
10 Euro

G. Baert
