Key words Geology, landforms, soil-landscape relationships
Objectives To understand the main processes of landscape formation.
Topics This course comprises the study of the landscape formation. This includes:
- the description of the structure of the Earthe and the rocks composing the Earthe's crust;
- succint description of the geology and the major landscape forms of Belgium, particularly in relation to the geological structure;
- the formation of the landscape forms by tectonical movements, differences in lithology, the activity of water and wind, periglacial activity, ...
- soil formation and spreading of the different soils in the major landscape forms of Belgium.
Teaching Methods Lectures combined fieldwork
Materials used Lecture notes 'Landschapsgenese' (G. Baert), in Dutch
Study guidance Books available
Assessment 3/4 theory
1/4 exercises (assignment)
Study costs
Lecturer(s) Geert BAERT
Language Dutch