Key words Object-orientated design techniques
The goal of this course is to teach the students how to translate the user requirements into a clear design in terms of classes and relationships using up-to-date paradigms, like 3-tier design.
We start from what the students learned in the first-year course on structured (top down) design; we use a small case to illustrate object-oriented concepts and techniques.
The emphasis is on design, yet we use UMLtechniques as a description language. We actively put links with analysis and programming (in C++ and Smalltalk).
A basis in structured program design
Object-oriented design
* Introduction with a case and Concepts
* Object modelling
* Classes and objects
* Associations and links
* Inheritance and generalisation
* More advanced modelling concepts
* Design problems
Teaching Methods Lectures, exercises
Materials used Teacher's course
Study guidance
Assessment Written examination
Study costs