Key words Business organisation
Objectives This course uses a competing values framework to facilitate.
Managerial understanding across levels of organisational hierarchy.
We are making the bridge between management practice and theory.
We are trying to find methods for improving performance and work attitudes likes the application of counselling and participate principles, leader.
Behaviour,decision-making, team- building, organisational transition, communication and conflict management.
Topics We are reengineering the corporation. We write management goals and objectives, conduct managerial process and organisational behaviour, examine and look for.
Changing organisational culture. We plan and conduct.
Effective strategies for creating the markets of tomorrow. The course studies these subjects from the three perspectives: strategies, culture and structure.
Teaching Methods Lectures, discussion exercises.
Materials used Teacher's course, background information, school library materials.
Study guidance
Assessment Written examination, assignments.
Study costs ± € 25