Key words Parasitology & virology
Objectives Nicole Kellner: Parasitology
Parasitology is a field with an increasing interest and its importance is reflected in the daily clinical pathology even in our temperate climate. Students have to know those infections. The theoretical knowledge is build up in respect to the implications of the laboratory diagnosis.
P. Dooms: Virology
To obtain knowledge in basic priciples of the virology. To know the laboratory techniques of cellcultures en serodiagnostics.
To know the pathogen effects and danger for the laboratoryworkers of HIV and Hepatitis viruses.
Prerequisites General Biology
Immunological techniques.
Topics Parasitology:
1. Introduction and definitions
2. Diagnosis of the parasitic infections
3. Systematic overview of some parasites
- Protozoa
- Helminthes
4. Special topic: Prions
5. Special topic: Medical mycology
- classification of viruses
- live cycles
- cell cultures and serodiagnostics
- Hepatitisviruses
Teaching Methods lectures
Materials used teacher's course
other textbook(s)
scientific & technical literature
Study guidance
Assessment written examination
oral examination
Study costs
Pascale DOOMS
Nicole Kellner