Key words Psychology, sociology, communication, health information & e
Objectives Psychology
- It's the intention of this course, to give the students the knowledge of basis, concerning the science of psychology, and to make the students familiar with the most important parts of the discipline.
- Explore the full range of psychology from theoretical bias.
- To balance the content of psychology with an emphasis on the doing of psychology, through a blend of conceptual discussion and description of research studies. Examine the scientific attitudes and mental processes.
GVO- communication:
- The students must have insight on the models of communication
- The students must have insight on the methodology to give a short lecture on a topic, typically on their discipline.
- The students owe to know the objective as hygienic measures of the discipline 'health education'
- The students must know how individuals can combat the illnesses that are due to undesirable individual conditions (for example smoke-behaviour)
- The students must know how to indicate how individuals can warn the illnesses that are due to the unhealthy human conditions.
Introduction Sociology:
- People often use others to evaluate their own characteristics, through social comparison
- The presence of other people can, through social facilitation, improve one's performance at some task or impair it, through social interference
- Norms are learned, socially based rules that prescribe what people should or should not do in various situations.
- The students should know at the end of the course that schemas about entire groups are called stereotypes.
- At the end of the course knowing that attribution theory suggests that people use several sources of social information to decide whether their own and other people's behaviour are due to internal or external causes.
Prerequisites no foreknowledge required
Topics Psychology:
- Perception
- Learning
- Motivation
- Emotion
- The individual in the social world
GVO - communication:
- Models of communication
- Directives and methodology to give a lecture
- Factors that determining unhealthy behaviour
- Factors that influence unhealthy behaviour
- Evaluating unhealthy procedures
Introduction Sociology:
- Introduction in sociologic science
- Social norms
- Attitudes, persuasion and attitude change
- Group stereotypes and prejudice
- Attribution theory
Teaching Methods lectures and video-demonstrations x
Materials used Teacher's course
Study guidance
Assessment Written examination
Study costs