Key words society and politics
Objectives To give an insight in the functioning of the current political-societal system and to develope the students' active and critical citizenship from a historical framework 19th-20th cent. The evolution in Belgium is the central tropic.
Prerequisites general knowledge
Topics Stage I. Political history of Belgium
1. Theoretical framework
2. Belgium. Historical framework, nationally and internationally, cleavages 19th-20th cent.
Stage II. In a second part the students work in small groups. They are invited to analyse a theme from a list of subjects and corresponding bibliography, to write a paper and give a presentation. Topics: democracy, elections, assemblees, political executives, parties and party systems, groupsinterests and movements, old and new social movements, political culture and citizenship, political ideologies...
Teaching Methods lectures - seminars - case studies - individual paper - group paper - individual presentation - group presentation - discussion exercices.
Materials used teacher's text - background information - scientific and technical literature - school library materials - others
Study guidance
Assessment closed book written examination - oral examination - assignments, papers and/or presentations
Study costs
Lecturer(s) De Rynck Filip
Language Dutch