Key words Constitutional law
This course contains two main parts on two main subjects : the institutional part and the human rights. The first part wants to make clear how and by whom power and decisionmaking is exercised in Belgium. Therefore, all different levels of decisionmaking will be approached : the European level; the federal level and the "State" level (the level of regions and communities). Each chapter of this part will therefore be composed of three subtitels (see content)
The second part of the course deals with the vast subject of the human rights, which determine the limits of public power.
The knowledge obtained in the cours "introduction to law"
Part 1 :
The historical background and development of : Europe, Belgium, the regions and commities.
The institutions :the legislative and executive power in Europe, on the federal level, in the regions and communities.
The judicial power in Europe, in Belgium.
The sources of the constitutional law and their relationship : the European sources of law, the Belgian sources of law.
The judicial review : in Europe, in Belgium.
Teaching Methods
- discussion exercises
Materials used
teacher's text
Study guidance
closed book written examination
Study costs
Catharina DEHULLU