Key words man, group, organisation, psychology, sociology
Objectives initiation to an interdisciplinary approach (combining notions of individual and social psychology, sociology, theories of organisation, psychoanalysis,...) of the dialectical relationship between man and his organisations.
On the one hand this should lead to a scientific understanding of/for typically human failings of organisations - on the other hand this should lead to some insight into the paradoxical coherence between different sides of organisations.
In combination with "introduction management" (second year) "man, group and organisation" lays the foundations for more specific technically oriented trainings in the management of human, financial and organisational resources (last two years).
Students should be able to apply a combination of at least one theoretical (sociological) metaphor and at least one theoretical (psychological) concept to an actual organisational problem.
Prerequisites None
Topics The problem of integration of man and society: understanding man starting from society, or is it the other way round - man is not only a product of society, but also its 'maker'.
Dependency of psychology on other sciences - critical survey of the main schools of thought in contemporary psychology.
Man as a "speaking animal" - language as minimal social bond and as condition for the "soul" to emerge (and everything that is explained with this notion of the "soul")
Tensions between the individual and the different groups and organisations it belongs to
Cultural and structural processes in organisations seen as mini-societies
Organisations seen as multiple realities which can only be understood by putting on different "glasses" (metaphors)
Specific psychological and sociological problems related to "McDonaldisation of Society" (= return of modernity, running counter to postmodernism)
Teaching Methods Discussion of the methodological problem of integrating different visions of man, group and organisation in human sciences.
Formal lectures with occasional discussions.
Small groups of students work through selected texts, applying elementary sociological metaphors and psychological concepts, and presenting these applications.
Materials used Syllabus
It is necessary for students to have their own notes
Le Bon, Gustave - Psychologie des Foules (1895), Quadrige, PUF, Paris, 1991
Morgan Gareth - Images of organisation (1986), new edition, Fine Forge Press, California-London-New Dehli, 1996 - ISBN: 0-7619-0634-7
Ritzer, George, The McDonaldisation of Society. An investigation into the changing character of Contemporary Social Life (1992), Revised Edition, Fine Forge Press,California-London-New Dehli, 1996 - ISBN: 0-8039-9077-4
Study guidance Individually
Notes can be supervised and corrected after each class
Assessment Written examination
Study costs 3000 BEF; 74,38€
Lecturer(s) Jonckheere Lieven
Nysmans Mia
Language Dutch