Lectured in 3de jaar Handelswetenschappen
Theory [A] 26.0
Exercises [B] 26.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 90
Studypoints [E] 3
Lecturer Philippe CARETTE
Reference HLHAWE03A00251
Key words
Financial mathematics

To teach the techniques of financial algebra and life insurance, likely to be encountered in future professional life. Upon completion of this course, the student must not only be able to successfully apply the formulae and techniques, but understand why a particular formula works as well. He or she must therefore be able to reconstruct the underlying theory.

The elements of functions of a single real variable (see course Wiskunde 1).

Financial algebra: simple interest and discount, compound interest and discount, annuities and perpetuities, loan amortisation and sinking funds, bonds. Insurance: death tables, pure endowment, life annuity, whole life insurance, term insurance, endowment insurance.

Teaching Methods
Theory: 13 plenary classes of 2h each, with an emphasis on the understanding of the underlying financial transactions and the set-up of the associated mathematical formulae. Practice: 14 classes of 2h each, designed to help to master and apply the techniques introduced in the theory classes and to apply them in lots of practical situations.

Materials used
Syllabus Wiskundige theorie der financiƫle verrichtingen en levensverzekeringen (inclusief oefeningenpakket) - dr. Ph. Carette

Study guidance

written examination

Study costs

Philippe CARETTE
