Key words Logistics
Objectives The main objective is Training in the basic principles of Operations Management and Logistics, this means :
To demonstrate the importance of operations management/logistics.
To familiarise students with real production/logistics systems
To emphasise the strategic role of operations in organisations
To make the quantitative models and tools accessible
Prerequisites none
Topics Part 1 : An introduction to operations and strategy : Discussion about the strategic importance of operations management and logistics for organisations. Part 2 : Designing production/logistics systems : Discussion of forecasting techniques, product design, capacity planning and facility locations, process structure and technology, facility layout, …Part 3 : Scheduling, operating and controlling the production system : Discussion of Production planning, Inventory planning, Just-in-Time, Project planning, …Part 4 : Physical Distribution : Discussion about transport and warehousing issues.
Teaching Methods lectures - case studies - exercises - group paper - group presentation
Materials used teacher's text - scientific & technical literature : Production & Operations Management by Joseph S. Martinich
Study guidance
Assessment open book written examination - papers and/or presentations
Study costs
Lecturer(s) Marc DE COLVENAER
Language Dutch