Key words analysis of constitutional law
Objectives This course offers a comparision between various constitutional systems as they are found in a
number of western nations. All of these nations are democracies, all embody the basic idea of a
welfare state, and all of them establish respect for human rights in their basic constitution. Still, their
political systems can be seen to diverge profoundly in the way they structure the organisation of the
Prerequisites The knowledge acquired in the course 'Introduction to the law'.
Topics Chapter I: The Parliamentary System A. Narure and origins. B. Institutions and
MechanismsCharter II: The presidential System A. Nature and Origins B.
Institutions and Mechanisms.Charter III: Electoral Systems A. Plurality Systems
B. Systems of Proportional RepresentationChapter IV: Judicial review: US, Germany, France, United
Kingdom, Belgium.
Teaching Methods Lectures combined with student presentations on selected topics especially concerning the political
system of the student's home country.
Materials used Teacher's text
Study guidance
Assessment Oral examination
Study costs Costs of the copies
Lecturer(s) Catharina DEHULLU
Language English