Key words
Obtaining basic knowledge about the properties of water, organic and mineral
auxiliaries, surfactants, natural and synthetic polymers used in textile.
Making relations between the physical, mechanical and chemical properties of
products and materials used in textile
Basic knowledge about organic and mineral chemistry
Physical and chemical properties of water
The use of steam in textile
The hardness, decarbonation and demineralisation of water
The properties of acids, bases and salts in relation to their use in textile
The properties of oxidation and reduction agents in relation to their use in
The properties and synthesis of polymers used in textile
Viscosity and rheology of solutions and emulsions
Teaching Methods
Lectures and exercises concerning the analyses of water, sizing products, surfactants, pH on textile, chemical identification of textile materials, control of damaged textile
Materials used
Teacher's course
School library materials
Scientific & technical literature
Protective cloth for the laboratory exercises
Study guidance
Written examination for the theory (67÷)
Permanent evaluation for the exercises (33÷)
Study costs