Key words Specific pedagogics
Objectives To gain attitudes, skills, insights and knowledge to ensure a smooth transition to the school world and professional life in general.
Prerequisites Subject matter and practice 1st and 2nd years.
Topics 1.Change over infant school - primary school
2.To deal with differences:
a) alien children - multicultural school,
b) handicapped children - special education,
c) individual children - care broadening.
3.Method education - experience-oriented education.
Teaching Methods Problem-oriented projects supplemented by didactical visits, lecturers, media.
Materials used - project book with tasks and texts to be assimilated per project;
- syllabus with updatable thematic information.
Study guidance Before and after the lessons and by appointment.
Assessment - written reporting of each project + oral explanation: 80%;
- permanent evaluation: 20%.
Study costs BEF 1,000 or EUR 24.79 (project book, syllabus and study visits/lecturers).