Key words Musical instruction
Objectives Development of the musical ear and study of the theory of music.
Prerequisites To have a thorough command of the subject matter and skills, dealt with and acquired during the first year musical education.
Topics - aural awareness: intensive ear-training (hearing - singing - writing down);
- to gain a clear insight into various tone systems and musical styles;
- theory: complementing the subject matter dealt with in the first year musical education.
Teaching Methods - intonation: group- and individual practising / musical dictations;
- theory: taught and applied;
- home study.
Materials used - teaching aids from the musical field: folk- and children's songs, musical examples, scores;
- handbook: D. Gistelinck, 'Vademecum van de Algemene muziekleer', ed. Ariscore, 1997;
- various manuals and soffeggio books.
Study guidance Additional coaching is basically superfluous, considering the practical character of this course (intensive training in the class; weekly sight-singing assignments immediately followed by feedback) and the required individual practising.
Assessment Permanent assessment/evaluation and / or oral and written examination.
Study costs Approx. 1 000 BEF or 37,18 EUR.
Language English.