Key words Organisational theory, organisational culture, sociology.
Objectives Applications of organisational sociological insights on the practice of the HR-officer.
Prerequisites Insights from previous sociological courses
Topics * Organisational theories (bureaucratic management, classical management, human-relations,...) applied to the theme 'organisational culture'. * Accent on: 1. The relation between organisation and culture. 2. De function of culture within each organisation. 3. Can culture be manipulated? 4. The importance of leadership in the context of organisational culture. 5. The link between organisational change and cultural change. * Practical illustrations.
Teaching Methods Teaching with the accent on questions and dialogue. Individual work. Seminars and/or conferences.
Materials used Own notes.
Study guidance Individual approach.
Assessment Oral examination in June.
Study costs Approximately 2,5 euro.
Lecturer(s) Marleen Easton
Language Dutch