Lectured in 3de jaar Bouw optie vastgoed, keuze beheer
3de jaar Bouw optie vastgoed, keuze meten
Theory [A] 52.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 202
Studypoints [E] 8
Lecturer Jan KAMOEN
Co-lecturers Dagmare LOCKEFEER
Reference TGBOUW03A00701
Key words

The course is divided in two parts: contract law and tax law.

Students should gain a broad knowledge of the law of contracts, especially by the Civil Lawbook.
Furthermore, the students use their knowledge in order to make independently an immovable or movable property conveyance, to make and discuss a specific tenancy agreement and to make a contract of agency.

In addition to that, the students will gain practical insight into tax law and they will get acquainted with the basic principles of tax law.
Elaboration of specific examples and practical application of tax law will be stressed upon. Insight rather than reproduction is accentuated during the course.


Part I (26hrs): Contract law
1. Profound study of the law of contracts
2. Discussion of the purchase and sale agreement
3. Discussion of the tenancy agreement - public law, rent - commercial rent
4. Discussion of contract of agency

Part II (26hrs): Tax law
1. Judicial procedure
2. Declaration income tax return
3. Calculation income tax
4. Introduction to corporation tax

Teaching Methods
Lectures with interaction between students and lector.
Practical case studies

Materials used
Contract law: notitions and background information.

Tax law: syllabus.

Study guidance
No monitoring system

Max. points: 160.

Contract law: 80 points.
Written examination.

Tax law: 80 points.
Written examination.

Resit possible.

Study costs
Syllabus tax law: ± € 6,00.


- Dutch