Key words Control Engineering
Objectives The meaning of this course is that the student learns the basic notions used in Control Engineering.
Prerequisites Basics of mathematics.
Topics - Basics of Control Engineering
- Transferfunctions, Block diagram, Bode, Fase and Polair diagram
- Principals of sensors
- Characteristics of Processes
- Controllers On-Off ; PID controller
- Controllers in combination with processes; Stability
- Basics of Fuzzy logic
Teaching Methods - lectures
- seminars
- exercises
- individual reports
- discussion exercises
Materials used - teacher's course
- other textbooks
- scientific & technical literature
- school library materials
Study guidance Practical support in the laboratory
Assessment Scoring system :
- written examination and permanent evaluation
Study costs Theoretical course: 15 Euro
Practical course : 10 Euro
Lecturer(s) Paul Van Olmen
Language Dutch