Lectured in 1ste jaar Elektromechanica
Theory [A] 26.0
Exercises [B] 26.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 130
Studypoints [E] 5
Lecturer Jozef LISON
Reference TGEMEX01A00521
Key words
Applied computer science

During the theory:
Getting familiar with computertechnology and having a clear insight in the functioning of the pc-architecture and all the components.
Getting familiar with the different I/O ports (e.g. serial, parallel and USB port).
Having a clear insight in the working en functioning of an operating system.
Knowing how a pc takes care of instructions (instruction cycle), en understanding the connection between source code and machine code.
Having a good understanding of the differences between a lower level and a higher level programming language.

During the applications:
Making progamming applications with the programming language Visual Basic.

It is desired that the students already have a basic knowledge about the working of a pc, and that they are familiar with a Windows-platform as operating system.

- Architecture of a computer
- Image and representation of digits in the computer
- Programming a personal computer
- Processors
- Motherboards and bussytems
- Memory
- PC Power Supplies
- I/O interfaces
- Disk Interfaces
- Magnetic storage devices
- Optic storage devices
- Input equipment
- Screen equipment
- Printers
- Different Operating Systems

- Basic principles and structures with the programming language Visual Basic
- Exploring the Development Environment
- Variables, constants, datatypes
- Modules and procedures
- Objects and class-modules
- Active-X operating elements
- Connections of I/O devices with Visual Basic structures
- Using DLL-architecture

Teaching Methods
Explaining on black board and, in some cases, using power-point presentations and/or slides.

The students have a computer for developing their programming exercises.

Materials used
course (about 300 pages). In addition, some papers describing the actual evolution of the pc-technology.

Course + Book "Basiscursus Visual Basic" (Academic Service - ISBN: 9039509654)

Study guidance
The students will be guided and supported by the professor.

Maximum score: 50 points, with a written examination.
Possibility of second examination period

Maximum score: 50 points
Permanent evaluation on the practical tasks during the academical year. On regular periods, students will be informed about the execution of an evaluation of a larger part of the course.
Possibility of second examination period

Study costs
The price of the theory course is about 8 euro.
The price of the application course is about 8 euro.
The students should buy about 5 floppy disks (1.44MB) (price: about 2 euro) and always bring these floppy disks to the practical lessons.

Jozef Lison
Yves Steleman
