Key words Materials & technology
Supply knowledge about the methodes to make and to keep wood useful for several applications and conditions.
Impart the students an attitude to approach practical problems in an scientific and technical way. This attitude includes independent working, logical and critical thinking, methodical acting, efficiently organizing, learning to analyse and solve problems, working with surveyability,
being capable to make synthesis
Prerequisites The support of the knowledge from the first year, in particular the courses "Material & Technology", "Applied Chemistry" and "Computer Techniques".
Drying Wood.
Preserving wood.
1. Testing the mechanical properties of wood.
2. Macroscopic and microscopic examination of wood. Microtomie of wood.
3. Chemical-fysical analysis of wood.
4. Glue testing.
5. Testing preserving methods.
Teaching Methods Theory.
lectures, students are urged for phrasing questions and discussions
Practice. Exercises are accomplished individual or in group. Reports are presented in forms of progress reports, final reports and summary reports. Students are asked to prepare the exercices in advance, additional questions can be phrased at the start of the practice. Results must be checked and evaluated.
Materials used Theory.
Textbooks composed by the teachers
Practice. The students have the disposal of a manual containing all necessary guidelines and formulas at the start of the practice course. Documentation is on hand in the school library.
Study guidance
Assessment Theory. Written examination at the end of each term. Each examination counts for 25% of the total score. The examination contains the theory of the course and questions regarding the implementation of the theory in the practice. 2nd period examination is possible.
Practice. Permanent evaluation. Testing of ready knowledge during the practice. Carrying out tasks, achievements during the practice, reports.
No 2nd period examination is possible.
Study costs Appr. 12,5 €
Lecturer(s) Lieven Claeys
Willy Eemans Tuur Vander Linden