Key words Quality and safety management
Objectives For the quality management : Giving the students insight into recent quality philosophy. Quality management is much more than just some theory. It is important that students can recognize an excellent company or that they know what their company can improve to become an excellent company. Most of the theory is practisid by means of true stories, so young people can decide for themselves what kind of an attidtude is expected from them in the future :
* everybody is a customer, everybody has a customer
* in every aspect of industry the customer is still the most important factor
* a TQM business is a great competitor for other businesses
For the safety management : some legal aspects concerning security in Belgium will be discussed here (especially those in the Codex)
Prerequisites The course is a connection between theory and practise in a company. Economical aspects and statistical ones will be discussed but from the basis.
Topics TQM : history; what is the meaning of quality for the customer and for the organisation; the difference between quality control and TQM, some attitudes concerning TQM, normalisation (ISO), analysis of problems, SPC (statistical process control).
Safety management : legislation (concerning committees, fire-risks, noise, in some specific cases like laboratories); finally first help.
Teaching Methods - lectures
- case studies
- exercises
- discussion exercises
- individual presentation
Materials used - teacher's course
- scientific & technical literature
Study guidance
Assessment Scoring system :
- written examination
Study costs Appr. 8 €
Lecturer(s) Sandra De Roeck
Language Dutch