Lectured in 1ste jaar Textiel
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 26.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 78
Studypoints [E] 3
Lecturer Yves STELEMAN
Reference TGTEXT01A99147
Key words

Getting familiar with the use of Internet, News- en discussiongroups. Learning to use search engines in an effective way.
Learning to use the "MS-Office"-applications in a professional way, with special attention for Excel en Word.
Getting familiar with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).

It is desired that the students already have a basic knowledge about the working of a pc, and that they are familiar with a Windows-platform as operating system.

- Getting familiar with Windows as operating system, configuration, disk management en file management.
- Learning to use and to configure browsers, learning to use search engines in an effective way, exploring the possibillities of news- en discussiongroups, e-mail.
- Special attention for virus prevention.
- MS-Word: page-setup, sections, tables, columns, using profiles, templates, indexes, macro's, linking with access-database.
- MS-Excel: layout, functions, macro's, templates, linking with other office-applications.
- Programming in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

Teaching Methods
The students have a computer for making their exercises/projects.

Materials used
Course available

Study guidance
The students will be guided and supported by the professor.

Permanent evaluation on the practical tasks during the academical year. On regular periods, students will be informed about the execution of an evaluation of a larger part of the course.
Possibility of second examination period

Study costs
The price of the application course is about 8 euro.
The students should buy about 5 floppy disks (1.44MB) (price: about 2 euro) and always bring these floppy disks to the practical lessons.

Yves Steleman
