The main aspects of cleaning and bleaching all sorts of textile products with different methods.
Relation textile product - finishing method - quality of product.
Different practical exercises on cleaning and bleaching and testing of the quality
Prerequisites Basic knowledge textile fibers and chemistry (1th year)
THEORY: Cleaning and bleaching of:
1. Cellulosic fibers:
Pretreatment - alkali extraction - bleaching - mercerizing
2. Wool
Preteatment - bleaching - chlorination - etc
3. Synthetic fibers: Bleaching
4. Optical agents
Different laboratory and semi-indsutrial methods.
Quality control of the product
Teaching Methods
- lectures
- demonstrations
- exercises
- group reports
- home study
Materials used
- teacher's course
- other textbook(s)
- background information
Study guidance
- Scoring system :
written examination
oral examination