Lectured in 3rd year Agriculture and BiotechnologySection agriculture
3de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie landbouw
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 25.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 110
Studypoints [E] 4
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Christiaan VLERICK
Reference BILBIL03A02706
Key words

A basic approach to the world of micro-organisms. It concerns the knowledge and understanding of morphology, physiology and taxonomy of bacteria, yeasts, fungi and viruses, including the accurate use of the main microbiological techniques.

Theory :
  • General microbiology
         - The bacteria : cytology, physiology, taxonomy, ecology...
         - The fungi : cytology, physiology, reproduction, taxonomy, ecology...
         - The viruses : structure, taxonomy, ecology.
         - Nutrition, microbial growth and growth kinetics.
         - Physical, chemical and biological control measures.
         - Immunology and pathogenicity.
  • Applied microbiology : introduction to soil microbiology. Interrelations microbiota- soil, plant and animal.
Exercises :
  • Basics of practical microbiology : microscopy, transferring and cultivation of micro-organisms, pour plate technique, MPN, membrane filtration, enrichment...
  • Qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis of water, air, soil, compost and biofertilizers.
  • Strategics for the identification of bacteria, fungi, yeasts.

Basic knowledge of biology and chemistry.

Final Objectives

Materials used
- teacher's course - background information
- scientific & technical literature

Study costs
± 12,5 Euro

Study guidance
The student can always make an appointment.

Teaching Methods
- lectures - demonstrations - case studies - exercises - individual reports
- home study

- Scoring system :
written tests - others : combination of written and oral examination

Christiaan VLERICK