Lectured in 3rd year Agriculture and BiotechnologySection agriculture
3de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie landbouw
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 12.5
Studytime [D] 80
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Christiaan VLERICK
Reference BILBIL03O12758
Key words

Introduction to the different aspects of environmental protection in agriculture and agricultural industries. Special attention to environmental techniques (waste water treatment, composting, manure treatment...) and to environmental management and the existing laws and decrees in Flanders and Europe.

  • Section Water-Water Management: waste water treatment. Basics of physical, chemical and biological water treatment techniques Special attention to activated sludge processes, including nutrient removal.
  • Section Water-Water Management: drinking water. Groundwater quality, causes and action. The relation manure-fertilizers and quality of groundwater and surface waters (MAP). Production of drinking water from surface water (with examples).
  • Section Waste Management: OVAM and the Flemish approach on waste management. Modern composting techniques (GFT, green waste) and manure treatment techniques.
  • Section Soil: soil pollution, soil sanitation and bioremediation techniques with examples
  • Section Air: causes of air pollution and remediations.
  • Section Environmental management and nature preservation: laws and decrees, green plans in Flanders and their relation to agriculture (GNOP, green BPA, structure plan...).
  • Exercises: visits to waste water treatment plants, a drinking water production centre, and composting plants. Demonstrations of small-scale waste water treatment systems (KWZI's and IBA's). Demonstrations of small-scale waste water treat

Basic knowledge of (micro-) biology and chemistry.

Final Objectives

Materials used
- teacher's course - background information
- scientific & technical literature

Study costs
± 12,5 Euro (Theory), ± 12,5 Euro (Ex.)

Study guidance
The student can always make an appointment.

Teaching Methods
- Lectures - demonstrations - case studies - exercises - individual reports
- field work (visits) - home study

- Scoring system:
written examination - written tests

Christiaan VLERICK