Key words Soil fertility
To understand the main physico-chemical and biological processes and factors affecting the suitability of soils as a growing medium to plants.
De course allows the student to formulate physiological, economical and ecological well-considered fertilizer recommendations, optimally considering the prevailing legislation in Flanders.
In the first part, major attention is given to the chemical soil characteristics and processes, as the breakdown of the organic matter in the soil, soil acidity, cation exchange capacity.
The secund part covers plant nutrition and fertilisers. Following topics are discussed: mineral composition of plants, uptake and translocation of mineral elements by plants, physiological functions of minerals, physico-chemical behaviour of minerals in soils, classification and main properties of organic and mineral fertilizers, national regulations concerning the use and the quantities of applied fertilizers. Finally, the last chapter deals with the application of fertilizers and critically reviews the different approaches leading to the formulation of optimal fertilizer recommendations for the major crops.
Candidate Industrial Engineer
Final Objectives
Materials used
Lecture notes 'Bodemkunde en Bemestingsleer' (L. Kiekens, G. Baert), in Dutch
Study costs 10 Euro
Study guidance Books and software available at the Laboratory
Teaching Methods Lectures combined with homestudy and exersises, discussed and evaluated in group.
Assessment Oral and written examination and exersises
4/4 theory
G. Baert