Lectured in 3rd year Agriculture and BiotechnologySection horticulture
3de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie tuinbouw
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 80
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Mia EECKHOUT
Reference BILBIT03A12778
Key words
Nutrition, human, absorption utilisation

General knowledge on human nutrition including digestion, absorption and metabolism and utilisation of major and minor nutrients. Making a link between biochemical processes and the application in the human intestinal tract.

- The role of nutrition for the human body in the past, today and for the future
- Digestion and absorption of fats, carbohydrates and proteins
- Utilisation of fats, carbohydrates and proteins
- Deficiency problems
- Energy metabolism
- Role, absorption and deficiency symptoms of vitamins and minerals

Basic knowledge of the chemical structure of nutrients and of biochemical processes is a necessity.

Final Objectives

Materials used
- teacher's course - other textbook(s) - background information
- scientific & technical literature - school library materials ... - others

Study costs
± 6,5 Euro

Study guidance
The student can always make an appointment.

Teaching Methods
lectures - demonstrations - field work - training period

- Scoring system :
written examination - written tests
oral examination - oral tests - assignments
