Lectured in 3rd year Agriculture and BiotechnologySection horticulture
3de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie tuinbouw
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 12.5
Studytime [D] 110
Studypoints [E] 4
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Stefaan WERBROUCK
Reference BILBIT03A12780
Key words

The course aims for following competences:
  • Gaining insight in the methods with which transgenic bacteria , plants and animals are created and characterised.
  • Getting a realistic view on the problems, recent realisations and prospects of biotechnology
  • Forming an scientifically based opinion on environmental and health risks of transgenic plants and their end products.
  • Getting a picture of the interests of the different players: (multinational) companies, researchers, farmers, consumers, government, pressure groups.

identification and cloning of genes, transformation techniques, characterisation of transformed plants and animals, applications in agriculture, future applications, environmental and health risks of transgenic plants and animals and their end products, ethic, social and economic aspects.

Transformation of E. coli and tobacco, GUS-staining, Polymerase Chain Reaction, use of DNA, RNA and protein data banks.

Biology, biochemistry, genetics

Final Objectives

Materials used
- teacher's course - background information on internet

Study costs
± 12,5 Euro

Study guidance
The student can alwaeys make an appointment.

Teaching Methods
- lectures - demonstrations - exercises - individual reports

- Scoring system :
written examination
