Lectured in 4th year Agriculture and BiotechnologySection horticulture
4de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie tuinbouw
4th year Agriculture and BiotechnologySection horticulture Optional course tropical vegetal production
4de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie tuinbouw
4th year Agriculture and BiotechnologySection horticulture
4de jaar Landbouw en biotechnologie optie tuinbouw
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 12.5
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 90
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Stefaan WERBROUCK
Reference BILBIT04O12913
Key words
Plant tissue culture, in vitro culture and biotechnology

Plant tissue Culture is the aseptic and controlled culture of plant parts such as isolated organs, tissues, embryos, ovaria,… on an artificial medium in a closed recipient. During the classical plant breeding process or during the vegetative propagation of a large number of crops, there is an “in vitro” phase. Also for genetic modification of a crop, knowledge about tissue culture is essential. Do we want the in vitro plant or plant tissue to produce roots, callus or new shoots? Should the plant stay short or should it grow elongated? How can we influence its senescence?

This course aims for following competences:
  • Insight in how we control a plant or its tissue in vitro, what’s the meaning for practice and what are the problems?
  • A number of basic skills are gained in a well-equipped laboratory: making complex media, initiation in vitro, in vitro multiplication, acclimatization.

Theory: historic overview; botanical base, media, recipients, machines and their use, applications (meristem culture, callus culture, cell suspensions, protoplast culture, induction of new meristems, somatic embryogenesis, synthetic seeds, induction of haploids), problems (contamination, hyperhydricity, browning, genetic variation), lab design, commercialization.

Exercices : basic techniques for medium preparation, sterile manipulation, initiation by seed and axillary meristems, controlling with plant hormones. Then it’s time for own in vitro projects.

organic and anorganic chemistry
Plant Breeding

Final Objectives

Materials used
Syllabus "Plant tissue culture", Dutch

Study costs
10 Euro

Study guidance
The student can always make an appointment

Teaching Methods
Teachers courses, visit, practical exercises and demonstrations, video, website

Written examination, practicum reports

Stefaan Werbrouck