Key words Wiskunde II
Acquiring the necessary mathematical background involved in engineering
Abilities: A student must be able to analyse problems and search for solutions in his future profession.
The first part of the course concerns an overview of differential equations of first order. Next it discusses some differential equations of second and higher degree.
Much importance is given to linear differential equations with constant coefficients and their applications.
The chapter 'Series' discusses criteria of convergence and divergence of infinite series, series of functions and power series.
Next are treated Taylor en Mc Laurin series and their respective applications.
We end the course with Fourier series.
Mathematics I
Final Objectives
Materials used
Teacher's course
Study costs Handbook : 3 Euro
Study guidance Possibility to consult the teacher after the lecture or by appointment.
Teaching Methods
- lectures
- exercises
Scoring system:
written examination - written tests
T + O : Ann DE BODT + Annie CLEMENT