Key words GIS-applications
Objectives The students are able to make a graphically a, scientifically correct project by means of the Arcview-programme. This project is elaborated partially individually an partially in group.
The student has the necessary technical skills and creativity to elaborate the project to the required level.
The student is able to search, use an interpret information.
The student is able to reflect critically and can find relationships.
The student is able to work in team.
The student is able to present his realisations in a correct way.
Topics The commands and theoretical knowledge of the first module are applicated by means of a project.
Depending on the project, a link can be made with other courses as landscape planning, projects landscape planning, ...
Prerequisites The course GIS from the first module
Final Objectives
Materials used Manual "Working with Arcview"
Study costs ± € 10
Study guidance Pemanent assistance during the project
Teaching Methods Project education
Assessment Individual examination of aspects of the project, team examination
Lecturer(s) Sylvie VAN DAMME - Peter SWYNGEDAUW