Lectured in 2nd year Applied Computer Science
2de jaar Toegepaste informatica
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 25.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 125
Studypoints [E] 5
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Els VAN DEN BREMT
Reference EGTOIN02A00196
Key words

To gain knowledge about the different architectures of a database and their models. Knowing this the student must be able to work with any implementation of a network model (IDMS, etc.) or a relational model (ORACLE, SQLSERVER, etc.).
To get insight in new technologies such as ODBC, procedural database-objects, CORBA, …

  • Pre-relational database models: DDL – DML
  • Transactions, recovery and concurrency control
  • Database API – ODBC – JDBC
  • Not web specific server side applications: CORBA – DCOM
  • XML en XML-databases
  • Distributed and parallel databasemanagementsystems
  • Datawarehousing, datamarts, OLAP and datamining : general principles
  • Object-relational databasesystems
  • Object-persistency and objectoriented databasesystems: the ODMG Object model, ODL and OQL

  • Relational database: profound threatment of SQL, definition of a table, select, operators, functions, join, subselect, correlation, exists, alias, insert, delete, update, views, indexes, authorisation (granting), catalog, triggers, stored procedures
  • Embedded SQL -- ODBC
  • XML-applications

Contents of the first year course Datamodelling and databases.

Final Objectives

Materials used
Course books:
Databasesystemen voor de praktijk, authors: prof. Dr. J. Vandenbulcke and dr. W.O. Lemahieu.
Editor: Ten Hagen en Stam. ISBN: 90 440 0147 7

Leerboek DATABASES author David M. Kroenke
Editor: Academic Service. ISBN:90 395 0081 9

Notes: own course material for the practical training sessions

SQL Server software

Study costs
Book : ± € 40.
Notes: price of the copies: about € 5.

Study guidance
Students with problems concerning the course can contact the titular.

Teaching Methods
Theory: teaching in a classroom. Excercises are made on the computer.
While teaching we refer to different magazines and actual internetsites.

Written exam with theoretical and practical questions.
In the practical part of the exam the course can be used.
