Key words Electricity and electronics
Objectives The aim of the course is to learn the students:
- The basic principles of electricity
- The operation of the basic components of the analog and digital technology
The students has to apply his theoretical knowledge in theoretical exercises
Topics Electricity:
DC and AC: current, voltage, power, energy, resistor, sources, magnetism, electromagnetism, induction, capacity, sine waves, phase relations, response of R, L and C
Analog: passive components, diode, transistor, granit, thipristor
Digital: notations and codes, logic gates, circuits with logic gates, semiconductor memorys, A/D and D/A convertor, data transmission
Prerequisites A mathematical basis is required
Final Objectives
Materials used Teacher's course
Study costs 6,5 euro
Study guidance possibility of asking questions after the lessons or at a pre-arranged moment
Teaching Methods -Lectures
Assessment written examination