Key words Clinical chemistry
Objectives The purpose is to gain an insight into the priciples of chemical analysis of biological patterns are an indispensable support for medical diagnosis. In the practical course, the teaching of practical skills for clinical-chemical definitions is very important, even as to learn working very accurate what concerns little amounts of tissue-fluids. The students also have to learn how to handle the machinery and to interpret the results of the analyses.
Topics Specimen collection and preservation Urine analysis. Inorganic ions in blood and urine Bloodgasses, blood PH : measurements of the respiratory and metabolic components.
Carbohydrates: Glucose and metabolites
Non-protein nitrogenous constituents : (urea, uric acid, creatinine & creatine...)
Final Objectives
Materials used Teacher's course
Other textbook(s)
Background information
Scientific & technical literature
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods Lectures
Assessment Oral examination
M. Waermoes