Lectured in 2nd Business Studies
2de jaar Handelswetenschappen
Theory [A] 26.0
Exercises [B] 26.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 180
Studypoints [E] 6
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Philippe CARETTE
Reference HKHAWE02A00083
Key words

To teach the techniques of differential and integral calculus and of linear algebra, likely to be encountered in future statistical and economical contexts.

Differential and integral calculus : definite; differential equations; functions of several variables: partial derivatives, total differential and optimisation.
Linear algebra: matrices and determinants; systems of linear equations; vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, quadratic forms.

Course: Mathematics 1

Final Objectives

Materials used
teacher's text

Study costs

Study guidance

Teaching Methods
Theory: 14 plenary classes of 2h each, in which the understanding of the concepts is of more importance than proofs and mathematical correctness. Practice: 14 classes of 2h each, designed to help to master the techniques introduced in the theory classes and to apply them in a number of practical situations.

closed book written examination

Philippe CARETTE