Lectured in 3rd year ElectronicsSection design techniques
3de jaar Elektronica optie ontwerptechnieken
Theory [A] 12.5
Exercises [B] 75.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 200
Studypoints [E] 7
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Kirsten DECOSTER
Reference IIELKO03A03941
Key words

Design of analogue and digital electronic circuits based on creative methods
and with modern tools (schematic capture, simulation, syntheses to printed
circuit board or to I.C. with actual and performance software).

During the theoretical sessions are the following topics explained :
- analogue simulator (SPICE) : the simulation program, not only for the use of it, but also for the used algorithms
- VHDL language : for designing digital circuits.

During the practical sessions the design cycle is learned by small basic exercises. In a more progressed stadium the students make designs based on specifications (project oriented).

Candidate I.I

Final Objectives

Materials used
Manuals of software suppliers and teacher's practical exercises .

Study costs

Study guidance

Teaching Methods
Theoretical lectures and practical design in group or on individual basis.

Oral examination for the theoretical sessions and permanent evaluation of
the practical exercises.
