Key words Advanced Control Systems Engineering
Objectives Acquiring a good understanding and practice of the analysis and design of analogue and digital control systems.
Gaining knowledge in modern control theory.
Topics Root locus analysis and design.
Design of dynamic compensators in frequency domain (Bode-techniques, Nyquist-techniques, Black-Nichols-techniques, robustness) including PID-controllers.
Digital control systems (sampling, mathematic modelling of sampled signals, Z-domain analysis, direct digital control design rules, implementation of digital networks and algorithms).
State space analysis and design (mimo-systems, pole-placement, state-observers).
Introduction to non-linear systems analysis and optimal control theory.
Prerequisites 3 EU
Final Objectives
Materials used Teacher's course.
Control Systems Engineering, 3rd ed. Norman S. Nise
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods Lectures
Hands-on (project-based)
Assessment Theory: 2 oral examinations (february = 19%, june = 28%)
Projects: permanent evaluation (53%)