Lectured in 3rd year ElectronicsSection electrotechnics
3de jaar Elektromechanica optie elektrotechniek
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 50.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 170
Studypoints [E] 6
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Guy WILLEMS
Reference IIELME03A03981
Key words


To make the students aquiere a clear understanding of the electrical
distribution, safety and lighting in buildingsas well as on building sites.
To have them form a motion of the cost of electrical energy and to make
them able to economize this cost.


The course covers the following topics :
Lighting - technological aspects of lighting in buildings, office buildings,
industrial buildings and shopping sites
Electrical distribution on building sites
Short circuit calculations in low voltage installations
Computer simulations for installations
Fire technical aspects with regard to electrical distribution in buildings
Cost calculation of electric energy
Power factor


A good aknowledge of the basic course ??ectricity ??om the first grade.

Final Objectives

Materials used

Teacher' s course ??ectricity technology ??00 pages) are disponable

Guidanie : I f required students can ask the teachers to
clarify and explain problems personally

Study costs

Study guidance

Teaching Methods

theory : the seminars students will be taught by means of lectures
Small theoretical examples in order to clarify the subject matters will be
made at the end of each chapter.
Seminars : students will be encouraged to carry out
several individual case studies that will be discussed with teachers


Theory (oral / written examination)
Oral examination, partially at the blackboard, partially with a written
Open questions wich cover the complete course will be drawn by the students
Exercises (seminars permanent evaluation)
Seminars are adjudged by means of permanent evaluation and reports

Study cost : a course cost about 300 BF
Advise : keep up with the subject matter and prepare the exercices
