Lectured in 3rd year ElectronicsSection electromechanics
3de jaar Elektromechanica optie elektromechanica
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 50.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 110
Studypoints [E] 4
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Armand LEFEBURE
Reference IIELMM03A04004
Key words
Mechanical designing

The branch of learning 'mechanical designing' has two components:
- solving of theoretical engineering problems (semester 1)
- group-wise elaboration of an electromechanical design (semester 2)

In the course of semester 1 the student will broaden the acquired knowledge of mechanical engineering through theoretical exercisis, dealing with:
- Chapter 0 : Materialstress calculation
- Chapter 1 : Screw connection calculation
- Chapter 2 : Shaft-hub ! calculation
- Chapter 3 : Spring calculation
- Chapter 4 : Axlecalculation
- Chapter 5 : Coupling and brake calculation
- Chapter 6 : Calculation on bearings
- Chapter 7 : Toothed wheel calculation
The knowledge obtained in part 1 will frequently be implemented in the course of the realization of the electromchanical design in part 2.
The designing must improve not only technical computation but also the student's social skill, while the process of designing requires constant discussion, adaptation and information.

In his professional environment the engineer must be able to negotiate and to consult a wide variety of different people. Psychological and technical empathy is essential and is heightened by teamwork-training.
The quality of an electromechanical design is all-important for the engineer-to-be. Proper choices, calculations and check-ups have to be carried out. Evaluation of different alternative solutions can be profitable. The existence of only one ideal outcome is the rule rather than the exeption.
The overall electromagnetic design, changing from year to year, consists of the linkage of separate sub designs, each of them elaborated by a group of students.


Final Objectives

Materials used

Study costs

Study guidance

Teaching Methods

The points are granted per group, the evaluation is permanent. The final valuation takes place during the last week of the lessons.
