Key words
Objectives At the end of the course the student should be able to understand the working principles of gas-, hydraulic- and steam turbines
Topics Gas tubines for electric power plants
Single axis open loop gas turbines: components, thermodynamics, efficiency; ideal compression ratio.
Two stages gas turbines: thermodynamics, advantage, efficiency.
Closed loop gasturbines
Gas turbines for aircraft: drag force, drag efficienty, by-pass (fan)
Hydraulic turbines
Large head: Pelton turbine; principal dimensions in function of head and flow.
Medium head: Francis tubine; rotor geometry.
Small head: Kaplan turbine
Steam turbines
Steam generators: short overview; H-s diagram
Sub-sonic and supersonic (Laval)nozzles.
Action turbines: single-stage; blade geometry, efficiency.
Reaction turbines
Prerequisites Mechanics: kinematics and dynamics
Themodynamics and fluid dynamics
Final Objectives
Materials used Teacher's course.
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods Lectures
Assessment Oral examination.