Lectured in 1st year Industrial Sciences
1ste jaar Industriële wetenschappen
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 37.5
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 80
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Reference IKINWE01A02563
Key words
Drawing Techniques

Learning how to solve problems in drawings of different work areas. Learning how to work with the two dimensional presentation of 3D objects. Understanding and making of drawings manual en with AutoCAD 2000. Important is the accuracy and the precision in relation to the rules and regulations of good workmanship.

Trough the drawings that need to be made of different mechanical elements are the following objects approached
  • Principle of the European and the American projection, standard text, line types, bill of materials
  • Insight in 3D models
  • Logical dimensions and tolerances
  • Sections, perspective views
Trough the drawing of mechanical elements on PC are the following drawing elements approached:
  • Setting the drawing environment, limits, layers, line types, templates
  • Drawing commando's: line, circle, arc, polyline, polygon, rectangle, ellipse, erase, fillet, chamfer, copy, move, rotate, mirror, offset, trim, extend,...
  • Hatching, text, dimensions


Final Objectives

Materials used
"Belgische normen voor mechanisch tekenen".
"Cursus AUTOCAD REL 2000", Jan De Strooper - 80 blzn - 2000 (1e jaar)
"Werkmap/Vademecum CRITTO Commissie Ruimtelijk Inzicht, Technisch Tekenen en Ontwerpen"

Study costs
Course material, drawing material : € 10.

Study guidance
Personalised follow up of the students, problems are solved during the course time.

Teaching Methods
Guided making of the hand made drawings on paper, while learning the rules and regulations.Guided making of the drawings on PC.

Exercises : 100 %
  • 1/3 permanent evaluation on the 18 AutoCAD drawings
  • 1/3 of the points is earned on a practical exam about the gained knowledge on the program, the regulations… In a limited time the student needs to make a complete drawing starting from a perspective view of a 3D model.
  • 1/3 is earned through the four manual drawings. These are made during the lessons. Special attention is given to the precision and the eye for detail of the student.

Guy Foubert
Jan Van Campenhout
Roger Vandenmeersschaut
Christian Vandenplas