Lectured in 1st year initial teacher training Nursery Education
1ste jaar initiële lerarenopleiding Kleuteronderwijs
Theory [A] 48.0
Exercises [B] 24.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 180
Studypoints [E] 6
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Dominique VAN DENDER
Reference LGKLEI01A00287
Key words
Musical education: picture

- to be able to give shape to his/her own ideas in a creative and specific way by means of image (by perception; from his/her memory or with a special function: for instance a didactical plate);
- to gain insight and subject knowledge, technique and material exploration;
- to stimulate creative attitude;
- to be able to visualize subjects which form part of an infant's world by means of visual and tactile impressions;
- transfer of learning contents to educational practice.

- to choose material object-orientedly and use it;
- observation drawing;
- two-dimensional and three-dimensional realisations with different materials;
- documentation drawing in connection with didactical representations;
- script letters;
- occasional reference to art;
- to make a collection of work techniques, own work and documentation in connection with the different interest centres.

No specific prerequisites.

Final Objectives

Materials used
Sundry drawing materials.

Study costs
- course book: BEF 200 or EUR 4.96, sundry drawing materials: + BEF 3000 or EUR 74.37
- drawing material to be bought by the class: BEF 600 or EUR 14,87 EUR
- creastage: 1,500 BEF or 37,18 EUR.

Study guidance
Individual monitoring by appointment.

Teaching Methods
Practical work, tasks, independent work and coached independent work.

Permanent evaluation.
