Lectured in 2nd year initial teacher training Primary Education
2de jaar initiële lerarenopleiding Lager Onderwijs
Theory [A] 23.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 90
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Barbele KINDT
Reference LGOWIJ02A00007
Key words
Physical education

To be able to develop and offer physical education lessons, taking didactical and methodological principles such as global starting situation, observation, tracing of shortcomings, remediation, error analysis, differentiation, questioning, etc. into account. To be able to apply different forms of working and do something about evaluations (self-evaluation, evaluation of lessons, result analysis, etc.).

- all students must gain insight into specific didactics and methodology;
- they must know the working methods and specific methodology to teach specific skills both as regards gymnastics and swimming and as regards ball sports.

A good physical condition and to be able to practise all sport disciplines, including swimming and diving.

Final Objectives

Materials used
Course book physical, gymnasium, swimming pool, school library and personal library.

Study costs
BEF 300 or EUR 7.44.

Study guidance
Monitoring by appointment.

Teaching Methods
- as much as possible by means of practice. By demonstrations and specimen lessons, discussions and preparations and the effect of practical trainings;
- micro teaching.

- permanent;
- written and/or oral examination;
- task.

Barbele KINDT