Key words Transportmanagement
Objectives To introduce the student to all aspects of the management of a transport company or division. To show that the management greatly influences return, and the contributing factors.
Show techniques and practical solutions in the optimising of transport.
Show financial repercussions of decisions regarding transport.
Topics Introduction : Trends within the transport world
Part 1:
the organisation of the transport world
Part 2:
optimising transport at the level of a company
Customer optimum
Costing in transport firms; price setting
Delays and planning
Fleetmanagement and investing in vehicles
Part 3:
Part 4:
Prerequisites none
Final Objectives
Materials used Syllabus
Study costs Copies at current price determined by Hogeschool.
Study guidance Exercises are solved in-class. The lecturer is available for extra guidance.
Teaching Methods Gaining knowledge, gaining insight, practising, integrating
Self-study of professional literature and websites
Assessment First exam session: year work 30% + written exam 70%
Second exam session: written exam 100%
Examination Board Flemish Community: First and second exam session: written exam 100 %