Key words English
- The student is familiar with communication situations and use of language in international trade and freight transport logistics.
- He is proficient in the elementary terminology of the transport sector both orally and in writing, receptively as well as productively.
- He can express himself fluently and reasonably correctly in job-related situations, orally as well as in writing.
Topics In the thematically built course the following topics and skills aredealt with: - Revision, enlargement and application of essential grammatical structures required for oral and written communication.
- Terminology of international trade, the logistics of the various modes of transport and customs procedures.
- Conversation exercises relating to shipping.
- Functional telephone conversations about packing, shipping and delivery of goods.
- Short letters and fax messages concerning freight transport and distribution transactions.
Prerequisites Basic skills (reading - writing - speaking - listening).
Final Objectives
Materials used Syllabus compiled by lecturer .
Study costs Current price per photocopy as set by the 'Hogeschool' (about 170 pages).
Study guidance Students' progress is constantly monitored and individualproblems are remedied when needed.
Teaching Methods
- The grammatical structures to be mastered are generated by the students themselves (guided self-study).
- The specific subject-matter relating to shipping is presented in texts, complemented with illustrations and diagrams, and consolidated by a wide variety of exercises. There is constant interaction between lecturer and students as well as between students themselves. Students' own wording is of paramount importance, the lecturer confining himself to comments or correction.
- Speaking skill: practical conversations and telephone dialogues are practised through pair work (guided self-study).
- Written assignments are prepared in class through analysis of examples (guided self-study); the tasks are corrected by the lecturer and then discussed.
- Teamwork.
Assessment First exam session: permanent assessment 10% and written exam 90%
Second exam session: 100% written exam
Examination Board Flemish Community: first and second exam session: 100 % written exam