Key words Fire-, industrial-, and equal risks
Objectives Education
Fire Simple Risks - Private Insurance
Production and Damages
Fire Special Risks + Engineering - Enterprise Insurance
Underwriter + Production
Next to the important technical formation the following expertises are to be acquired:- making and keeping up a good contact espacialy with potential industrial customers
- flexibility and hability for adaption
- punctuality and efficienty for providing an optimal service
- beeing able to say professionely "no"
- teamwork and enthousiasme
- recquire a positive morality
By making practical test cases.
Topics Part 1: Fire Simple risks- After a thoroufh study of the determinations concerning the protection of the insured person; The study of the differents guaranties. Comparison of the differents polices. Determination of the value with differents possibilities.
- The evaluation of damage.
Part 2: Industrial risks- This part of the course has for purpose the study of all technical insurances, industrial and special fire risks, the evaluation of the industrial damage as the application of the about mentionned items.
Part 3: Insurance "Loss of Profits" after industrial risks.
Prerequisites Knowledge of insurance and notions of liability is an advantage.
Final Objectives
Materials used Syllabus composed by the lectors.
Study costs Syllabus by current prices (350 pages).
Study guidance The student allways appael to the lector for individual problems.
Teaching Methods Teaching, market study, cases discussions and practical exercises.
Assessment First exam session: practical exercises 20% and oral exam 80%.
Second exam session: oral exam 100%.
Examination Board Flemish Community: first and second exam session: oral exam 100%.